Pregnant women and asthma, Many of women who are married wanted to have children as a complement to. His role as a female, but if it's suffering from asthma, What are should defer of pregnancy?.  What will be the danger?.  Beware 24-36 weeks pregnant Pregnancy Despite suffering from asthma . Do not be sad.  The good news, the majority of pregnant women actually improved his condition!. Ranging third of pregnant women with asthma improved while during pregnancy, and about one-third to deteriorate, and a third remained in the same condition of asthma. Pregnant women and asthma, preferably before pregnancy check-up, whether it has few or no symptoms of asthma during pregnancy.
Pregnant women and asthma should be careful at weeks 26-36 of gestation, at which time more frequent asthma attacks caused. Diligent Control Pregnancy When pregnant asthmatics, diligent check for pregnancy. Poorly controlled asthma during pregnancy will have an impact on the mother and fetus. As a result, babies tend to be born prematurely or born with low weight making it mandatory treatment or from the hospital. Less controlled asthma can lead to maternal risk preekiamsia or hypertension. Suffered more severe asthma, the greater the risk to the fetus. In rare cases, the fetus could even die from lack of oxygen.Therefore, in order to mother and baby healthy, Pregnant women and asthma do not underestimate and understand how to control it!. Avoid Allergy Triggers Factors Typically, people with asthma have a history of allergies.

Pregnant women and asthma: avoid trigger factors of asthma attacks.

Avoid trigger factors of asthma attacks for example, house dust mites, pets, cockroaches (are indoors), flower pollen, mold (outside the room), certain foods, flavoring, food coloring; drug-specific obatam; stimulating odors, perfume (irritant); excessive emotion; cigarette smoke air pollution or climate change. In pregnant women, often trigger asthma attacks are caused by respiratory infections (colds, bronchitis or sinusitis) and gastrointestinal reflux(GERD). Kiasifikasi AsthmaIf the recurrence of asthma attacks are sometimes called intermittent asthma, while the intensity of recurrence often occurs, it can be said persistent asthma.
When pregnant women exposed to intermittent asthma, asthma attacks can occur within 2 weeks to a month. In contrast to asthma parsisten where more frequent relapses. The presence or absence of triggers, asthma would recur. And if his asthma severe level, while breathing heavily pregnant women talk and sound.
Need Drugs?. How do I resolve Pregnant women and asthma? This depends on Idasifikasi asthma.
When intermittent asthma, pregnant women need to adjust the breath and use the drug only in severe attacks. However, if pregnant women had persistent asthma - especially weight categories - necessary drugs to dilate the respiratory muscles (a bronchodilator) long term. Here are some
types of asthma medications:

* Long acting beta agonist inhalers.
Or medications are often used in combination inhaled steroids for severe symptoms or night, inisalnya salmeterol (Serevent) and formoterol (Foradil). Because power works a little slow, this drug is not recommended for emergency rescue action.
* Drugs that serves to reduce the inflammatory process
the class corticosteroid (can help reduce severe asthma attacks). he drug is considered safe for pregnant women, but it has some side effects. For example, budesonide (Pulinicort).

* Short-acting beta-agonist inhalers.
Inhaled medications that dilate the airways function, eliminating the tightness or wheezing.
Relatively safest to use during pregnancy because only small amounts are absorbed into the bloodstream. Thus less likely to cause negative effects for the baby. For example, albuterol (Proventil,Ventolin).

* Oral corticosteroids (pills).
Only used in the short term until other medications to work and asthma control.
Its use in pregnancy is controversial. Use of these drugs in the first trimester is said could pose risks cleft lip or palate. Examples of the drug, prednisone (Deltasone) and methyiprednisolone (Medrol).

Well, when in the care of pregnant women, should not stop the medication but still consulting with your doctor. Do not worry, Pregnant women and asthma can really deliver a healthy baby, as long handled correctly!

1 comment:

  1. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a genetic disorder. This disorder has no cure. But treatment can control this disease. COPD treatment
